Gym and home work out routine
My weekly fitness routine is very important to me as it keeps me fit and makes me feel good about myself. I work out 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule. The beautiful thing about the human body is that it is designed to move in order to maintain strong and healthy.
Before I have started my weight loss journey I never thought about the beauty of exercising and fitness. However now I understand how important it is to move our bodies, to maintain strong healthy and happy.
Now that I have lost weight my weekly health and fitness routine is only created to maintain my weight and to stay strong and fit. Even though my week can be very busy sometimes because I work 20 hours a week, I still make sure that I get a work out in, either at the gym or at home. Even a quick 5 minutes work out makes a big difference. I will explain what I do in a week exercise wise and I will also go in to depth about what machines I use at the gym, and what exercised helped me to lose weight the most. What worked for me when I was losing weight was mostly cardio training. I still do a lot of cardio now, because it keeps me fit and it is also my favourite fat burning exercise to do.
My gym
work out
When it comes to fitness I am still learning about
different sorts of exercises to do and I am still trying to figure out what
works for me in terms of maintaining my weight and staying fit and toned. I
love going to the gym because there are so many machines to try out. I usually
stay at the gym for about 1-2 hours to make sure I get a full body work out in.
Here are some of my favourite machines that I use at
the gym .......................
treadmill is the first machine that I use, because it gets my body warmed up
and gets me ready for further exercises. It is also the most effective cardio exercise when
it comes to weight loss. I enjoy running the most which explains why the
treadmill is my favourite machine to use.
I usually run 30-35 mins depending on
my time. I make sure that I lower my speed every 10 minutes so that my body is
not too over work and has more energy to go on. When I was losing weight I was running much
more than I do now to see quicker results. Now that I am only maintaining my
weight 2 times a week of treadmill running is totally enough for me.
The Rower
is a machine that I use quite a lot when I go to the gym.
When I was losing weight
it helped me to tone my arms and my stomach and made me lose belly fat more
effectively. I use this machine for 10 minutes.
Stepper is
also one of my favourite machines to use at the gym. It mainly helps me to work
on my legs and it burns fat at the same time.
It is a very effective cardio machine
that also helped me with weight loss.
I usually spend 10 minutes on that machine, whereas I was spending 20 minutes on
the machine when my focus was weight loss.
Recumbent Cycle
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The Recumbent Cycle is a good cardio machine that helps me to work on my leg and thigh area.
It is basically like riding a bike which is something I have always enjoyed.
also burn belly fat effectively and make your legs look more toned. I spend
5-10 minutes on it when I go to the gym.
My full body works out
at home
When I don’t have time
to go to the gym I do some exercises at home which are very effective and help
me to boost my metabolism first thing in the morning.
I prefer to work out in
the morning because that’s when I feel more energised
and it also helps to start off my day.
My home exercised does
not consist of a lot of exercise. My home work out mostly consists of 20 quads
5-7 push ups, 1-2 minutes, 20 sit-ups 1-2 minute plank and some leg exercises. My home work out never
takes longer than 10 minutes which is completely enough time for me in the
My full body work out
of the gym
pretty much do the same exercises that I do at home at the gym, The only
difference is that I include weights to my work out. The weights that I work with
are 3-4 kilos heavy.
I include the weights when I do my squads and my leg exercises.
My focus is not really to develop further muscles but working with weights
stimulates my existing muscles in my stomach area and arms.
hope these information that I have provided were helpful and will encourage you
to start exercising ............... :) :)
I know that the idea of going to the gym can
be frustating sometimes because you may not know how to start and you don’t know what exercises
work for you. But I am here to tell you that it is okay to start off small, thats
how you learn to develop and love what you are doing.
I started off with
running on the treadmill for not more then 5 minutes, my body didn’t allow me to do more.
However I pushed myself every week to do more and now I can run up to 30
minutes. If I can do it you can do it too, believe in yourself and everything is possible.
next time ….
Kelly :)