Saturday, 27 June 2015

My Weight loss Story !

Losing Weight
Losing weight is one of the most difficult things to do, it requires strength, determination, and motivation, which at times can be very difficult. However I believe that everyone has the ability and strength to make something happen that seems impossible.
A persons mindset is  powerful, and can either determine success or failure. I can say from my own experience that a positive mindset can not only transform your body but it can also change the way you see life. If you believe in yourself you can achieve the impossible, I have witness it myself and want to give other people motivation and inspiration to work hard for their goals and live a healthy lifestyle.  

‘’Dare to dream. For your dreams become words, your words become actions, your actions become habits, your habits become character, and your character become your destiny’’

This quote kept me going while I was going through my weight loss journey, and is still one of my favorite motivational  quotes that keep me going every single day.

My Story
When I have decided to lose weight, I was at my heaviest weight at 80 kilos,176 lbs and I knew that I wasn’t healthy. I also reached a point in my life where I felt lonely and just not happy with myself. I did not think there was anything wrong with me in terms of my appearance but I just knew that I needed to get fit and healthier in order for me to feel hundred percent happy with myself. I have since then lost 15 kilos, 33 lbs in exactly three months. My weight loss journey sarted on December 30th 2014, and ended on March 30th  2015.
It was a very difficult journey, but I don’t regret any minute of it because I have learned a significant amount of new things about myself, which made me very proud of what I have achieved.

Losing weight is not about being skinny or about having the best figure. It has a much deeper meaning, it is about treating the body that god gave you in a right way by staying healthy and active.
Since I have lost the weight I can honestly say that I feel much healthier and happier. It is amazing to think that six months ago I did not know anything about healthy eating, nutrition and fitness and now I can’t wait to learn even more about how our amazing bodies work.
I never liked to exercise in the past because my mindset automatically thought that I will fail, but positive thinking changed all that. I hope my fitness journey and my life changing experiences can motivate and inspire you to live a healthy lifestyle.

 Before and After Pictures 

The first picture was taken last summer and the second picture in March.

The First Picture was taken in January and the second in May.

 XoXo Kelly :)